Old Narativ.cz | web pro postmoderní směry v terapii a poradenství

O nás

Mgr. Jakub Černý

Mgr. Jakub ČernýJakub Cerny is a psychologist, a social worker, a researcher and an activist. He is one of the founders of the Narativ fellowship, a leading platform for collaborative and dialogical practices in the Czech Republic. He co-facilitated the Certificate program in collaborative practices and co-organized the First international symposium on relational research or international collaborative and dialogical symposiums “Horizons”. He has psychotherapeutic training in systemic and narrative psychotherapy. He worked with people who use drugs and their relatives in various settings and countries. One of his last projects was focused on participation of people with own experience in the service provision and policy planning. Currently he is interested in psycho-social support in the context of social justice resistance in the post-socialist country. He provides support to the climate and housing activists and grassroots groups that deal with the burn-outs and difficult emotional situation related to their activism and resistance. His Ph.D. research is focused on the process of an engagement in collective resistance and the role of the privilege. Apart of that he is interested in critical psychology and psychiatry and published several popular articles on this issue.


Úvod do teorie a praxe otevřeného dialogu


Spolek Narativ pořádá


Termín: 15.-16. 12. 2022 (vždy 9:00 – 16:30), 16 výukových hodin
Cena: 3.300,- Kč

více informací zde..

Tuto novinku jsme Vám přinesli už před několika týdny, nyní je však možnost přispět jednodušší. Stačí kliknout na Donate tlačítko a rozhodnout se, jakou částkou byste rádi přispěli. Děkujeme všem, kdo se takto rozhodnou. A kdybyste potřebovali vědět víc, zde je i krátké video a samozřejmě všechny odkazy na videa z našich workshopů.

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Pohádka: Jak šla videa od Narativu do světa


Embedded thumbnail for Harlene Anderson 2011: Collaborative therapy and ethics.


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