Old Narativ.cz | website for postmodern ways in therapy and consulting


Side program - annotations


Guided tour in the industrial area of formal pig iron factory and formal coal mine

participants should register before May 1 on cerny@narativ.cz (entrance fee is not covered by the organizer)

Dolni oblast is a unique, globally renowned area in the centre of Ostrava where coal used to be mined and pig iron produced between 1828 and 1998.  Now the industrial complex has transformed into a unique educational, social and cultural centre of a significance reaching beyond the region. The tour will take you through some of the important places in the area.

Vernisagge of photo exhibition „My homeless world“

Vernisagge of photo exhibition My homeless world

Dedicated to Stáňa Balážová, to the women who disappeared and those who are not finding their way home.

We didn't know their worlds. During the years 2013 to 2015, they took small disposable cameras in their hands. In 2015, we started unraveling rolls of 35milimeter film, and in its little windows there it was - the world of homeless women. A visual-narrative study like this one means reflective process, in which the meaning of picture is sought. We found many. From esthetics through pressing documentary value to family snapshots showing moments of joy. The poetry of snapshot photography brings us to ordinary environments of (non)homes, shelters, dormitories, parks, bushes on the road and even on the ship. It shows the world of dominant and trivial people through everyday lens of homeless women. Their things, men, animals, friends, views and beds. Also room plants, books, shelves, shoes and other belongings in (non)home, which we didn’t have any idea about, are letting us to sense the importance of trivial. We get to understand the absurdity of losing home, which is mirrored in endless effort of finding it.

Acustic concert „oioipiratoi“ – folk/punk (Praha/Kladno) 

Acustic concert Oioipiratoi


Interactive performance
„Women on the road“ (connected with the comix exhibition)
Aslido (Action group with people without home)

Interactive performance

“Women on the way” is a performance and a comics exhibition which aims to empower women in difficult life situations (leaving in asylum houses, lodging houses, doss-house) who are victims of violence (physical, psychological, economic, social, structural) and to empower women on their way of transformation. “Women on the way” is the outcome of longterm meetings of women from the organisation ASLIDO (Action group of homeless people) which lead to a campaign performed in asylum houses and in the public space.

Lazy Tempo (Dj’s group) 

Musical unbodied group of people with infinite styles and a clear view grounded in the universal chaos. Distinctive personalities from former or actual electronic scene, whose styles intertwined in specific, joyful combinations. This multigenre circus introduces on the stage mainly listeners, since the rules are set by those who offer their own perception of the pace and who are lazy to be absent.



Workshop 2017 Werner Schütze (DE)

Dr. Werner Schütze:

We wholeheartedly invite you to an experiential workshop, centered on the experience of being in dialogue. The workshop is suited for people who are interested in the field of mental health care, are currently working in the field, or wish doing so in future.

When: 24. - 25. 11. 2017
Where: Brno

more info..


Embedded thumbnail for Narativ in dialogue with Jaakko Seikkula
Network for Dialogical PracticesOtevřený dialog


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